[Handreichung] Genderbasierte Asylgründe gemäß Istanbulkonvention Art. 60 & 61 [engl.]
Diese englischsprachige Broschüre informiert zu genderbasierten Asylgründen gemäß Artikeln 60 und 61 der Istanbul-Konvention, sowie zu Non-Refoulement: „A collection of papers on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence“
„n their countries of origin, during their journey, in transit and destination countries, many refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls have been exposed to gender-based violence in the form of rape and other forms of sexual abuse and exploitation, harassment or domestic violence. Their protection from violence is not always considered a priority by receiving states. The
gender dimension and protection needs of high numbers of refugees and asylum seekers have been largely overlooked and have left gaps in protection, thereby increasing risks for many women.
As a tool to prevent and combat all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence, the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (hereinafter the
Istanbul Convention) contains provisions specific to asylum-seeking and refugee women. The purpose of this publication is to support the implementation of Articles 60 (Gender-based asylum claims) and 61 (Non-refoulement) of the Istanbul Convention. The aim is to assist policy makers, border and immigration officials and practitioners by providing them with practical advice.“